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Selena holding a brown puppy


Selena is one of our newest Technicians at Scenic Hills.  She has been busy prior to coming to us working as a technician as well as shadowing to gain experience for Veterinary School! She has a doggie niece named Kaia and a doggie nephew Kip, who she treats like her own doggie children. She is hoping to soon get 2 sphynx and has a goal after vet school to get a horse or two.  Selena is currently a first generation college student attending the University of Minnesota and is hoping to continue her education there as a Vet Student!  Selena has fit right in at Scenic Hills since she has started and we are so proud to have her be a part of our “Work Family”  One quirky fact about her:  She is a huge cat person, even though her entire family really doesn’t like them!